Monday, August 29, 2005

State Mandates Schools to perform BMI screenings

How 'bout this load of manure. Times Leader Article. Apparently the state has decided to start screening kids to determine there body mass index, in hopes of eliminating the fat element of our state. Not only have they decided to start telling parents their kids are fat (like they dont realize this themselves), many schools have removed soda machines and started promoting low-fat milk and water. "Students might notice changes in gym class too as part of a national push to replace or supplement dodge ball and flag football with physical activities students are more likely to pursue as adults, such as yoga, dancing, weightlifting and even walking with pedometers."

Now give me a break, as if dodgeball and flag football arent activities students are likely to pursue as adults. Can someone explain to me how yoga is a physical activity? Is there any cardio involved? So lets get this straight, gym classes are now gonna teach people how to walk? Insulting.

"“We don’t want to be the fat police. These BMIs are not an indictment against children or their parents,” said Beth Trapani, spokeswoman for the nonprofit Pennsylvania Advocates for Nutrition and Activity. “We don’t care what kids look like. We just want them to be healthy.” My Ass you dont care. I want them to be healthy too, not like that fat ass Smasher, thought I have to admit, he finally decided to lose weight after some 8 years. Well, what happened to the plan to keep kids off drugs, and the one to stop teenage smoking. Since we couldnt get any of those to work, were now gonna drop those and work on the fat kids.

I really think its only a matter of time before this information is used against the poor kid or his family. Imagine if insurance companies were able to get their hands on this information. I am all for promoting health especially in kids, but could someone please tell me the last time a government promoted school idea has worked. KEEP YOUR HANDS OUT OF PEOPLE'S FAMILIES! This is the parents responsibility.

1 comment:

Thunderlips said...

Couldnt have said it better myself.